Blackdown Education Partnership Wellbeing Services

Staff Wellbeing Appointments - Click here to make a booking

We are committed to taking staff wellbeing seriously. We operate in a culture of mutual respect, trust and compassion and leaders are determined to support staff with maintaining a healthy work life balance.

In support of this Blackdown Education Partnership offers:

  • Access to mental health first aiders

  • Subsidised gym membership at £9.99 a month

  • Bespoke Wellbeing service with Amanda Woodward, Director of Wellbeing, who has over 25 years experience in Wellbeing delivery, both in private practice, commercial and educational settings. Amanda is trained in counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, physical fitness, nutrition and injury rehabilitation she offers a comprehensive range of services to all employees of the Trust.

Further information of the Trust’s Wellbeing Offer can be obtained by contacting